The objective was to create a new wine which would be able to compete in the market underneath the name "Seres" [ Creatures ] in honour of the book "El Libro de los Seres Imaginarios" writen by Borges. To reinforce this intention, the bottles have been designed by taking in consideration the best meals to have with it's wine. Hence, the Chardonnay is represented with an illustration of a fish as it's an ideal companion and the Cabernet Sauvignon has a pig on it because it's ideal to share with pork. The Malbec has an cow on it making reference to the fact that it is best served with red meats. Besides having an attractive and detailed illustration, this packaging also stands out for giving the user the possibility to interact with it. The three animals were created in a way they can be combined between them, making the customer want to collect all the bottles or boxes to be able to "play" with them and create new creatures; ergo the name of the brand.